Certification in NLP

Our NLP Programs will provide you with the personal attention and support you need, so that you can achieve the highest possible results and get the most out of your training.
What You Can Do In 55 Hours / 7 days

Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis and Coaching are innovative approaches to understanding and directing human experience, communication and behaviour.  

In just 55 hours you will have the opportunity to become certified as an NLP Practitioner, Introduction to Time Line Therapy®, Hypnosis & Coaching, so you will have the skills you need to start or build a coaching business and see clients the day after your training finishes. 

Using the advanced skill-sets together is so much more effective than just one, and as a result the change you have with your paying clients will be even more enhanced, because you will learn what you need, to understand the relationship between Mind, Body, Emotions and Actions. 

You will also experience 55 hours  of life changing personal and professional development, which will have a measurable positive impact on ALL areas of your life, including finances, career, health, relationships and family.

The Basis of NLP ( ABNLP )
Fundamental assumptions from where we start. The Fundamental beliefs that allows you to begin to choose the empowering Mind Mastery model and leave behind the disempowering Mind Slavery model. Identify and take control of the intricate connections between your mind, your emotions and your behaviour. This is the clearest and easiest model of how people learn, communicate, change, and evolve themselves.
The 11 principles of achieving your goals used by all successful goal setters
Rapport how to create instant liking and agreement
Representational Systems
We use our 5 senses to represent internally the information from the world.
  • Become aware of how our 5 senses are represented internally in the nervous system
  • Discover how what we see, hear, feel, smell and taste have an influence on our physical response (whether we are conscious of the process or not) People have different preferences in how they use the 5 senses to process information internally. Learn how to match this to create instant rapport and mutual agreement
  • Identify and learn how do the eyes movement reflect a person’s real thoughts
  • Find out how to increase creativity, flexibility and learning by using the eye patterns
Submodalities Systems
The secret programming software of your mind
  • Find out the inner encoding mechanism of your brain and take control of it
  • Get rid of unwanted behaviors (like eating the wrong foods) using Submodalities
  • Learn to create a sequence of instructions to modify your disempowering beliefs
  • Un-useful emotional responses? Discover how to change them with the Swish Pattern
Language Patterns
The words you use show off your intellectual attributes and your personal characteristics
  • The words we use are chosen unconsciously but they have a special meaning for each individual
  • Learn how to recognize what type of personality is hiding behind different types of words
  • Find out how to customize your speech for each individual to achieve instant acceptance and wavelength communication
  • Learn how to use abstract language to achieve instant agreement and induce trance easily
  • Discover how 3 questions can help you to reveal specific information about any concealed subject (like a presenting problem)
  • Challenge and overcome objections elegantly
  • How to assist someone in changing their mind

How to control your feelings and your state of mind

  • How to be in charge of your internal emotional state rather than being controlled by it.
  • Learn how to set up a personal trigger or stimulus which can move you in a specific direction.
  • Discover how to free yourself from an unwanted internal response to some (past or present) external trigger, like someone’s voice.
  • Find out how to link your strong personal resources with your ability to access them whenever you want.
  • Get rid of procrastination forever.
Practitioner Strategies

How to control your mental sequence of internal processes to create specific results

  • Discover the technique of sequencing of various internal processes to create a certain result and how to make the result successful each time.
  • Achieve concrete and long-lasting results with the help of specific strategies.
  • Discover and learn how to use how people buy things (the decision-making strategy) from just watching their eye movements.
  • Learn how to sell based on your client’s strategy (rather than yours) for a more fulfilling outcome.
  • Find out how to discover deep love and attraction strategies.
Parts Integration

Stop inner conflicts

  • How to move beyond “I want this BUT I’m not sure”, “I can’t decide between these two things”,
  • Have all your inner “parts” agree with each other
When You Study With Us, You Will Be Able to Use NLP Applications in:
  • Business and Personal Coaching
  • All Modes of Business including Sales and Communication
  • Learning and Educational Coaching
  • To Create Change and Growth on a Personal Level
  • Therapy and Relationship Coaching

Upcoming Next Training

Virtual & Face to Face :

55 Hours
 Strictly limited class sizes.

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